
25 June 2024

MS said:

It has been reported that Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S. whereby he will plead guilty to the criminal charges against him related to his role in releasing state secrets provided to him by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. Assange has been hounded by the U.S. government for 12 years, while he avoided extradition from Great Britain.

A basic principle which undergirds procedural due process under the 14th Amendment is the concept of jurisdiction. A court is only allowed to try an individual or entity in its court if the court has “jurisdiction” over that individual or entity by virtue of the actual connection(s) which the individual or entity has with the state in which the court is located. Those connections can be physical, i.e., the individual or entity broke the law of that state while physically present in that state; or the individual or entity was engaged in conduct which foreseeably had consequences in that state, e.g., the individual or entity manufactured a defective product which was advertised in the state, was purchased by an individual in that state, and injured the purchaser or a family member of the purchaser.

Julian Assange never stepped foot in the U.S. He published the information which allegedly endangered the lives of U.S. employees of the CIA and the military from his publishing company in Australia. The U.S. indictment of Assange stretches the concept of jurisdiction to the breaking point. Under this application, which I maintain is unconstitutional, Russia could indict manufacturers of weapons which the U.S. is providing to Ukraine to defend itself, which kill and injure Russian soldiers. But Assange did not even produce or manufacture any physical object which harmed any Americans. He disseminated information which disclosed U.S. criminal acts in Iraq. If a citizen of any country can be held criminally liable for disseminating information which purportedly harms citizens of another country, no U.S. journalist publishing information about Russia, without ever stepping foot in Russia, would be safe and could be held criminally liable by Russia.

In sum, the U.S. prosecution of Assange, in my opinion, and that of a lot of legal scholars, has been a disgrace.

Post-script: The U.S. indictment of Manning stands on a different footing. Manning allegedly violated a contract, which included an oath, related to his access to highly classified information. Assange never took such an oath.


MS said:

I had occasion this morning to read an editorial by NYT columnist Michelle Goldberg published on March 11, 2024, titled, “Where Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism Collide.” You can read it here:


The editorial, as one would expect of Ms. Goldberg, is well written and thought provoking. She examines the many facets of the issue objectively and rationally. One statement she wrote particularly caught my attention: “But I could never blame a Palestinian for thinking it obscenely unfair that I have a right to ‘return’ to a country to which I have no family connection, while Palestinians who lost their homes in 1948 do not.”

World history is full of a lot of “obscenely unfair” facts regarding the treatment of various ethnic and religious groups. I venture to say, however, that since 1900, and for centuries prior going back to the expulsion of the Jews from Palestine and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, Jews have been the victims of “obscenely unfair” events exponentially higher than any other ethnic or religious group, and certainly far outstripping the “obscenely unfair” events which have afflicted the Palestinians. As expressions and acts of anti-Semitism proliferate around the U.S., and around the world, as the potential of the unthinkable occurring here in the U.S., where “It can’t happen here” is starting to be less and less persuasive, I welcome the existence of the State of Israel as a last resort safe haven for me, my family and my fellow American Jews, even if my “right of return” to a country in which I have no conventional property rights seems “obscenely unfair.” Israel is the only country in the world which offers me a safe haven in which I can have the chance of engaging in my self-defense, and that of my family and fellow Jews. The Palestinians living in the West Bank have some 27 other countries in which Muslims are the majority and which could offer them a safe haven in the event, God forbid, the Israelis threatened them with pogroms. In the scheme of things, their victimhood to “obscenely unfair” historical reality pales in comparison to that which has afflicted the Jews for centuries.


MS said:

A member of the Ann Arbor Reconstructionist congregation shared the following video about his nephew's work in Israel to enhance diversity and promote peaceful coexistence.



27 June 2024

Michael said:


Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai believes that the only positive change in one's culture can only come from education. Watching that video solidified that belief in me.


MS said:

Yes, he stumbled a bit. Stuttered a bit. Was incoherent a bit. But Biden answered every question, some of them quite well. Whereas Trump avoided questions and was repetitive. He did not answer the question about climate change; he did not answer the question about his threat to deport thousands of immigrants; and he refused to answer the question whether he would accept the election results. He postured, and grimaced, and pouted. He made up data and claims - that all the legal scholars agreed that the question of abortion should be returned to the states; that immigrants are living in luxury hotels and are murdering and raping thousands of Americans; and on and on. The possibility that this buffoon could be elected President of the United States fills me with disgust and contempt for his supporters.


28 June 2024

Michael said:

It seems Trump loves hyperbole--which he ends up converting into lies.

As Biden is concerned, I believe he was recovering from a cold. I think the fear was that he would sneeze or cough during the debate. So I believe they gave him lots of Benadryl or Sudafed-like medication. I'm proud Biden manned up and debated anyway.


MS said:

Take heart. It’s not over.



29 June 2024

MS said:

Eric quotes Pappe’ and Bastani stating that there was never a peace camp in Israel. This is obviously false, given the multiple efforts by Israel, resulting in the assassination of Yitzak Rabin, to reach a peace accord with the Palestinians. More importantly, the statements, and Eric’s endorsement of them, demonstrate the double standard which is applied to Israel. Was there ever a peace camp among the Palestinians, or was the onus only on Israel to make peace? The fact that they do not ask this question demonstrates their anti-Israel bias.


MS said:

‘Foolhardy nonsense’: Historian reacts to Democrats who want to replace Biden


I agree with him.

The editorial Board of the NYT is calling for Biden to step aside.

Shame on them.


MS said:

Oy vey!



MS said:

If Il Duce gets elected:



30 June 2024

MS said:

Bravo to David Palmeter for his unabashed, unapologetic endorsement of Biden. His weak debate performance, in the face of the dangers which Trump poses to our democracy, is irrelevant.


1 July 2024

MS said:

Well, I have scanned the majority opinion and the dissents regarding Trump’s claim that he enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, and I believe that the dissent’s accusation that the majority opinion has anointed Trump a king is erroneous. The majority opinion divides a President’s conduct, and Trump’s, into three categories: core official acts, which enjoy absolute immunity; official acts, which enjoy a rebuttable presumption of immunity; and unofficial, private acts, which enjoy not immunity. The factual question is which acts charged in the indictment fall into what category, and for the answers to this question, the Court remanded the case to the district court to flesh out. Trump and his supporters will undoubtedly spin this as a total victory, and claim that the Court granted him absolute immunity, but it did not.

It is clear, by virtue of the ruling, that Trump will not be going to trial on Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 indictment prior to the election. For this I do blame the Court; it could have heard oral argument much earlier, as Smith requested, which would have expedited the remand to the District Court, allowing an early decision on the factual questions. However, if this had occurred, on the rulings against Trump, he would have appealed and asked for stay of the trial, which the S. Ct. would likely have granted.

So, this brings me to my favorite beating a dead horse contention – this is all the fault of the idiot Democrat and Independent voters, disgruntled that Sanders did not get the nomination, sat out the 2016 election, allowing Trump to get elected, and allowing him to change the constitution of the S. Ct. for decades to come. This constitutional mess is on their heads.


MS said:

This evening I placed two Biden/Harris 2024 signs on my front lawn.

When you get knocked down, YOU GET BACK UP!


MS said:

Here’s a legal question worth pondering.

The Supreme Court has remanded Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump to the Washington District Court to evaluate which of the acts Smith has charged Trump with constitute official acts, entitled to a rebuttable presumption of immunity; and which constitute unofficial acts pursued by Trump for his private benefit, which enjoy no immunity. (None of the acts Smith has charged Trump with fall into the category of core acts entitled to absolute immunity.) The election is scheduled for November 5. Between now and then, there will be hearings for the District Court to answer these questions, particularly with respect to whether Smith can overcome the presumption of immunity for the acts determined to be within the scope of official acts.

Let’s assume Smith overcomes the presumption regarding one or more of these acts by, let’s say, the end of September. Trump will appeal that ruling to the D.C. Circuit, with the following judicial composition: 4 judges appointed by Obama; 2 judges appointed by G.H.W. Bush; 3 judges appointed by Trump; 3 judges appointed by Biden; 1 judge appointed by Cater; 2 judges appointed by Reagan; 1 judge appointed by Clinton. That totals 9 judges appointed by Democratic Presidents; 7 appointed by Republican Presidents. With that ratio, if a three-judge panel reversed the District Court’s rulings on Smith’s having overcome the presumption, Smith would seek en banc review before the entire Court of Appeals, with a 9 to 7 advantage in favor of the Democrats. They would more than likely reverse the 3-judge panel decision. Then the S. Ct. would grant certiorari, and likely review the case on an expedited schedule. They would have to decide whether to reverse the DC Circuit decision that some or all the claims against Trump did not enjoy immunity. Even as political as this Court has revealed itself to be, reversing the DC Circuit on this question, and thereby precluding the trial to go forward, would expose the Court to vocal claims of partiality. I do not think a majority of them would do so, even including the Trump appointees.

Suppose they rule in favor of Smith that some of the official act claims do not enjoy immunity. (This still erupts leaves subject to prosecution whatever acts the DC District Court determines are not official acts, and therefore not entitled to any immunity.) Then the trial would go forward. Even if this occurs after November 5, and Trump (God forbid) has been elected, Biden would still be President and Trump could not order the Dept. of Justice to discontinue the prosecution. Smith would have between the date the trial begins and January 20, 2025, to complete the trial. Suppose Trump is convicted, and he appeals. If the appeal occurred prior to Jan. 20, the DC Circuit, with a 9-7 ratio in favor of the Democrats would affirm. What would the S. Ct. then do? They would have to choose between overturning a conviction of a former President, a decision which would absolutely destroy the reputation of the S. Ct. If they decide not to overturn the conviction, then a convicted felon in federal court would br inaugurated as President. It would be too late for Trump to order the Justice Dept. to drop the prosecution, because he would have already been convicted and exhausted his appeals. We would have a convicted felon of federal crimes sitting as President, compromising and tainting every action he would take as President. Can a President be impeached for federal crimes he is convicted of having committed prior to taking office? I don't know.


2 July 2024

MS said:

America’s Joseph Goebbels, at the beck and call of America’s Il Duce.



MS said:

Have we forgotten what happened to the Democrats in 1968?



5 July 2024

MS said:

Since Trump maintains that he won the 2020 election, isn’t he barred from running for President for a third term by the 22nd Amendment?


MS said:

Well, President Biden is not stepping aside. Democrats are just going to have to suck it up and get behind him. The more they quibble and criticize him, the more they improve Trump’s prospects of getting elected.


6 July 2024

MS said:

On July 3rd I received one of the greatest shocks of my 45-year career as an attorney - an email from the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission informing me that I had 21 days to respond to a Request for Investigation (i.e, an attorney grievance) which had been filed by a woman who lives in Washington state – a woman whom I have never met; never spoken to; and never represented as an attorney. The woman is accusing me of unethical conduct, of violating numerous canons of the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct, by virtue of statements I made in several of my briefs related to the lawsuit against the protesters who had been picketing every Saturday morning, for then 16 years, in front of Beth Israel synagogue in Ann Arbor, using blatantly anti-Semitic signs (i.e., “Resist Jewish Power”; “Jewish Power Corrupts”; “No More Holocaust Movies,” which were later supplemented with a sign stating, “September 11, 2001 - Israel Attacked America”), mingled with signs relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I made the statements as an advocate of the rights of my Jewish clients, one of whom, who has since passed away, was a Holocaust survivor.

The statements claimed that several of the rulings by the federal judge who presided over the lawsuit, who is African-American, had the appearance, taken together, of anti-Semitism and/or bias based on her personal views regarding Israel, bias she was precluded from allowing to motivate her decisions. Among her rulings were a decision dismissing the lawsuit on the basis that he plaintiffs did not have “standing” to sue because the emotional distress they attested they experienced by seeing the signs each Saturday morning, as they entered their house of worship to exercise their First Amendment right of freedom of religion, did not constitute a “concrete” injury, a ruling which was reversed on appeal; several other rulings by which the judge denied me the right to file standard procedural motions; and finally, her ruling that the lawsuit was “frivolous,” and awarded the protesters $158,000 in attorney fees, to be paid by my Jewish clients and myself. According to this woman, these assertions in my legal briefs were unethical, and I should be sanctioned for having made them.

There are no words adequate to express my outrage at the accusations, and that the Commission is taking them seriously enough to require that I respond. I will respond, vehemently and vigorously, that these charges have no basis in fact or law. It is part of the “cancel” culture.

As the adage goes, no good deed goes unpunished.


MS said:

Even a senile President Biden is better than a pathologically lying, deceitful, ego-maniacal, convicted felon, tyrannical President Trump. We should start reminding disaffected voters of President Lincoln’s message - that this government of the People, by the People, and for the People, must not be allowed to perish from the Earth.


MS said:




MS said:


He’s only 9 years old, and although Article II, Sec. 1 of the Constitution states that the President must be at least 35 years old, the Supreme Court should have no problem finding some rule of constitutional interpretation which allows it to overlook this pre-qualification.


7 July 2024

MS said:


Two views. I agree with Bakari Jones. And the longer the Democrats quibble and try to force Biden to step aside, the more they are handing the election to Trump. The Democrats should unite behind Biden now. Otherwise, they are going to lose in November.


9 July 2024

MS said:

I agree 100% with David's most recent comment on Wolff's blog admonishing voters who oppose Trump not to vote for 3rd party candidates, regardless how unhappy they may be with Biden. It is suicide.


10 July 2024

MS said:

Question for those who may know about handguns than I do: Alec Baldwin is insisting that he did not pull the trigger of the revolver whose bullet killed Ms. Hutchins. How is that possible?


MS said:


Given George Clooney’s NYT editorial and the above interview, I have reached the conclusion that President Biden should step aside. But, ultimately, the decision is his, and his alone. If he refuses, I will continue to support him, enthusiastically and without reservation. If he refuses, the rest of the Democratic Party should stop carping, should stop criticizing him, should stop accusing him of being senile. We should unite behind him and do everything possible to get out the vote, of young people, liberals, Blacks, Hispanics and gays by comparing Biden’s accomplishments and policies with those of the contemptible Trump.


11 July 2024

MS said:


There apparently are deranged maniacs, willing to resort to violence and murder, everywhere, not just in the U.S. Insanity and violent aggression knows no geographic boundaries.


MS said:

In memory of Shelley Duvall (1949-2024)



12 July 2024

MS said:


Good points. But what he fails to explain is who and how he thinks that any other Democrat, other than Joe Biden, has such extraordinary oratorical skills and public respect for past accomplishments sufficient to convey that message with such persuasiveness that it will change the trajectory he fears, rather than send the Democratic Party into such chaos, that the trajectory will get even worse.


13 July 2024

MS said:


Today's NYT contains a list of the 100 books judged as the best books of the 21st century. The list is attached to this email.

How many have you read, and which ones?

I have only read one, Roth's "The Human Stain."

I was surprised that only one of Cormac McCarthy's books, "The Road," made the list, but I have not checked the publication dates on his other novels.

Of those I have not read, I am most interested in reading "Bring Up The Bodies" and "Wolf Hall," since I enjoy well-written historical fiction, particularly about the Tudors.


14 July 2024

MS said:

I fear that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has further improved his re-election prospects. He will appear at the Republican Convention with his head swathed in bandages, and will portray himself as a martyr. Republican operatives are already accusing President Biden of having instigated the assassination attempt by his charges that Trump is a danger to our democracy. This will force Biden, or anyone who replaces him should he decide to step aside (which the assassination attempt makes him less likely to agree to do), to tone down their rhetoric and refrain from calling Trump a pathological liar and an authoritarian wannabe. The assassination attempt has hobbled the Democratic efforts to go on the offensive against Trump. Like so many unexpected, unpredictable events in history, the assassination attempt may change the course of the election, and have changed the course of history in turn.


Michael said:

I agree. This single act will be milked clean to fit the agenda of both parties (Democrats & Republicans) & all of their constituents for as long as it's possible.

The only question is: Who or which party will gain the most in this sort of activity?

Who gains the most is the party that wins the Presidency. It's that simple.

The assassination attempt will be looked on as a means to an end by the politically inclined & not an end in itself.

But no one will speak such words out loud.

For if anyone does not look at this event as an end in itself out loud, they will be shouted down by the public & authorities as being unpatriotic or unrealistic or selfish or childlike.

How many times some bully or punk or fool or clown or witch will yell out "Do you think this is a game?" will probably be too many for anyone to count.


Michael said:

So what do I mean by end in itself or a means to an end?

What I mean by as a means to an end is that people will use this recent event for their personal and political advantage.

What I mean by end in itself is that people will speak or act nobly towards it.

What happens when nobility & advantage clash? Nobility will always win out loud. And personal advantage will always win over nobility in secret.


MS said:

Trump claims to have had a life altering epiphany. Does anybody believe it?

We will see.



15 July 2024

MS said:

A tidbit of information about VP candidate JD Vance’s wife, Usha. They met at Yale, where she graduated summa cum laude, and then, like him, attended Yale Law School. She also has a Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge. She clerked for Judge Kavanaugh when he was on the DC Court of Appeals, and then for Justice Roberts on the Supreme Court.

Although it is not an ironclad rule that a person’s spouse shares the spouse’s political views, I suspect it is a safe bet that she shares his MAGA views of America. Vance has spoken glowingly about how she has been a guiding light for him since they met at Yale, helping him navigate through life. If Vance becomes Vice President, as it now appears highly likely to occur, he, with his wife, will become the spokespeople for the MAGA movement in the US, influencing national policy for years to come, threatening all of the liberal progress this country made during the 1960s and 1970s.

As naïve as this may sound, I am still puzzled by how such smart people as they can be so morally backward.


17 July 2024

MS said:

It has been said that truth is the first casualty of war. It is also a victim of political campaigns. When a political party is willing to distort the truth, to promote lies for its political advantage, they are advancing incoherence and irrationality to the detriment of coherence and rationality, the characteristics which are supposed to distinguish us as homo sapiens, thinking beings. Favoring thoughtlessness over thinking is the first step towards fascism, and at the RNC convention, the Republicans are engaging in such deplorable tactics in spades, manipulating the voters, making them believe that truth and lies are two sides of the same coin, and making it difficult for them to discern which side to believe.



MS said:

Last night, my wife and I attended a concert by Molly Bajgot and Rena Branson, sponsored by our Reconstructionist congregation. I had never heard of, nor listened to the music of, either of them. Their performance of their songs was beautiful and inspirational, even for one as cynical as I.

Molly and Rena derive their songs from Jewish liturgy, which they transform into songs of hope and inspiration. Below is a link to Molly performing her song Gevurah.


At the link below, Molly explains the source of Gevurah:


Below is a link to Rena, Molly and friends performing a composition written by Rena, titled “Our Power”:


We are going to need a lot of such inspiration in the coming months and years, if my worst fears come to pass.


MS said:

Senator Menendez’s conviction for corruption, prosecuted by a DOJ of a Democratic administration, demonstrates that Democrats believe that no one, regardless of party affiliation, is above the law. The Republicans disagree.


MS said:

Tonight, as I went to the Plymouth library to return some items, I made a contribution to Joe Biden’s candidacy, or whoever replaces him should he decide to step aside. As I was walking to the library entrance, I saw 5 young men, all in their early twenties, and old enough to vote. I approached them and said that I was in the process of conducting a survey of young people’s voting tendencies. I asked them if they thought “he” was too old or senile to be President. One of them asked e who “he” was, and his buddy laughed, and said he’s talking about Biden. The buddy said something to the effect that he is not inclined to discuss his voting decision with a stranger. I asked if it would help if I showed him my driver’s license. He responded, rather shrewdly, that this would only tell him my name, but I would still be a stranger. I then said, how about if I show you my Bar card, which impressed him, and he asked me if I am still practicing law, and I stated Yes. He and I and his 4 colleagues began to talk. I said that even a senile Joe Biden, would be a better President than a supposedly mentally competent fascist. He did not disagree, nor did his friends. He told me he was considering voting for a third-party candidate, and what did I think of that. I responded that voting for a third-party candidate was as good as voting for Trump, and proceeded to tell them about the 2000 election, which was before their time, that those who voted for Nader in Florida handed the election to Bush; and those who supported Bernie in 2016, and were angry that Hilary got the nomination instead, and therefore sat on their hands and did not vote, helped elect Trump, and now they regret it, and are complaining about the S. Ct. and what it did to the right to an abortion, all of which was their own doing. I warned them not to make the same mistake. They nodded in agreement. I then gave them a mini-lecture on life and government. I said that their individual futures are going to be determined more by the individual decisions they make in their lives than what government does. No government can insure that they live happy, successful lives, with no worries. That will be determined by the day-to-day decisions they make. But a bad government can make their lives much harder and difficult. They should not make the perfect the enemy of the good. I urged them to vote in November, and to vote for Biden, and they said they would. Assuming they keep their word, I increased the pro-Biden, or pro-Democrat, vote in Michigan by 5 votes. With that I turned around, raised my fist in the air, and declared, “Power to the people,” and they laughed.

It is by interpersonal connections, even with strangers, that we can affect the outcome of this election.


19 July 2024

MS said:

The Jerusalem Youth Choir, composed of Palestinians and Israelis, performs on America’s Got Talent:



MS said:

Bernie Sanders says he believes that Biden can still win.


Trump's speech was a disaster. He went off script and reminded people of the dangerous $$$-hole he still is.


20 July 2024

MS said:


Very sad. I know that I would be very, very bitter.


MS said:

Well, it looks like Biden is going to step aside, and the ticket will be either Harris/Shapiro or Harris/Cooper (Gov. of North Carolina).


23 July 2024

MS said:

Gov. Beshear calls Vance out on his lies and hypocrisy. “Any of the potential VP picks will eat Vance’s lunch!”



MS said:


His first pick is Gov. Shapiro, but he does not mention that he is Jewish. Is he just being discreet?


MS said:


The analyst in the prior video clip, Harry Enten, is Jewish, and the nephew of Jewish singer, song composer Neil Sadaka. Maybe explains why he did not mention that Gov. Shapiro is Jewish.


MS said:


This is the driest place on Earth, and it is in Chile.


24 July 2024

MS said:

This is almost impossible to believe.



MS said:


The deputy who shot the victim in the head because she was allegedly armed with a pot needed more psychiatric attention than the victim.


MS said:

A great opinion piece by Hillary Clinton, regardless how much you and others may despise her.



MS said:

Kamala Harris has a tough decision to make in choosing her VP running mate. She has an abundance of good choices, any one of which would enhance the Democratic ticket. Is Gov. Shapiro, however, with the most electoral votes to bring to the table, too risky given he is Jewish and a supporter of Israel? A female, African-American and a Jew on the same ticket? Is the U.S. ready for that?



28 July 2024

MS said:

I did not know what the reference to J. D. Vance and a couch was, so I Googled it and found this:



30 July 2024

MS said:

Jon Stewart, love it!



MS said:

You can’t make this stuff up. This has gotta’ be made into a movie.



3 August 2024

MS said:

Last night we celebrated my Birthday at the Amadeus restaurant in Ann Arbor, where they serve Hungarian and Polish food, with my wife, daughter, and my daughter’s boyfriend (ranked higher than me in chess – ugh). It was a great meal, with great wine – ending with a delicious Birthday cake.

When we returned home, I watched the Godfather for probably the 20th time. No matter how many times I watch it, it never grows old for me. The opening scene caught my attention in a way I had not noticed before. In the opening scene, as Don Corleone receives guests asking for favors from the Godfather on his daughter’s wedding day, Marlon Bando is seated in a chair – petting a cat. I dare J. D. Vance to make fun of cat lovers to Don Corleone’s face! He would end up sleeping with the fishes!


MS said:

Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Monday pushed back on air against Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., when the senator called VP Harris a 'bit of a ding-dong' and 'a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party'.



4 August 2024

MS said:

I am wondering why Sherrod Brown was not considered as a VP candidate. That would have given the Democrats a shot at winning Ohio. Thoughts?


MS said:

NYT’s John Alter favors Walz over Kelly and Shapiro. Having Kelly or Shapiro as Harris’s running mate, he claims, would not be making the best use of their time. Plus, Walz is a very aggressive and charming speaker.



5 August 2024

MS said:

A first-hand account by a released hostage of her experience as a captive in Gaza.

She debunks the propaganda that the Palestinian civilians are innocent victims.



8 August 2024

MS said:

Scaramucci, whom we all made fun of several years ago for his funny sounding name, tells the truth about Trump and his fear driven antics. Things are not looking good for the Republicans, and Trump is running scared.



12 August 2024

MS said:

Interesting analysis by Fareed Zakaria.



13 August 2024

MS said:

J. D. Vance, the grifter.



15 August 2024

MS said:

Uh-oh, this ain’t good.



MS said:

Now what do the Democrats do? Drop Walz for Shapiro or Kelly?

1972 all over again. Remember Senatori Eagleton?

Oy vey!


MS said:


This is arguably worse than the reason Sen. Eagleton had to drop out of the 1972 Presidential campaign.


16 August 2024

MS said:

Last night, I had a conversation that left me flabbergasted. My wife and I attended a seminar regarding Social Security and Medicare benefits. It was quite informative, although a bit complicated (plus, it came with a free meal). At the table next to us was an African-American family, with three elderly women, and three elderly men. After the seminar was over, I joked with them about how complicated the rules were. They agreed. I then asked them if they were worried about the news revelation earlier that day. They asked me, “What news?” I mentioned the news about Tim Walz having been arrested for drunk driving. They responded that they did not care, since they were not voting for Kamala Harris anyway. My eyes almost popped out of my head. They said she is too liberal for them, that they are good Christians and she supported killing babies at 16 weeks. I asked the women, didn’t they want to see a woman elected President? They said that according to the Bible, Eve's temptation of Adam was the cause of all our troubles. They did not care about the gender of the nominees, nor about their race. One of the men stated that he is a conservative Republican, and always has been. So, I asked, are you supporting Trump? They were noncommittal. Now, perhaps it was racist on my part that I assumed that because they are Black, that they would be supporting the Black candidate. Back when I was growing up in the 1960s, I think this would have been a safe assumption. Apparently, not anymore.

Then, when I got home, I saw the following story on CNN.


I don’t understand anything in this world anymore.


The End.